Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Say No to the Spectre of May 13
Tuesday, January 22, 2008 · 2 Comments
If you endorse the statement below, please post this at your front page of the blog until Chew Mei Fun retracts her statement and apologize. [Click here for the Malay and Chinese versions of the Joint Statement.]


Say No to the Spectre of May 13

Chew Mei Fun MP must retract her fear-mongering statement and apologize
We, the undersigned civil society groups and concerned citizens of diverse ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds, stress that all Malaysians have the right to choose their representatives and the government in a free, fair and clean election. No individual politician or political party should resort to threats or intimidation to influence the voter’s decision.

We lament that Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun, MCA MP for Petaling Jaya Utara, as reported in the China Press on January 21 (Monday), has conveyed this fear-mongering message to the public: “If there is insufficient Chinese representation in the Barisan Nasional, it is not a good thing, the Chinese community cannot afford another May 13 incident.”

The May 13 ethnic riot in 1969 was a dark chapter in Malaysia’s political history where political violence and manipulation overshadowed the democratic process as well as the voice of the people. Invoking the bitter memories of this tragic incident for political gain is a huge insult to those who died, the surviving victims and their families. This veiled threat to voters not to support the opposition parties is shameless and unbecoming of a responsible political leader.

If Chew is aware of certain quarters planning to use violence in response to a certain electoral outcome, she who has been speaking tirelessly on public safety should lodge a police report immediately and assist in the police investigation.
If she is merely speculating, we are truly disappointed that she has stooped so low in fishing for support. Politicians should not behave like gangsters. They should not use the threat of violence to solicit vote, as gangsters do to extort money.

By making this statement, Chew has in fact violated Section 9 (1) of the Election Offences Act 1954:
Undue influence
9. (1) Every person who, before, during or after an election, directly or indirectly, by himself or by any other person on his behalf, makes use of or threatens to make use of any force, violence, or restraint, or inflicts or threatens to inflict, by himself or by any other person, any temporal or spiritual injury, damage, harm, or loss upon or against any person in order to induce or compel such person to vote or refrain from voting, or on account of such person having voted or refrained from voting, at any election, or who by abduction, duress, or any fraudulent device or contrivance impedes or prevents the free exercise of the franchise of any elector or voter, or thereby compels, induces, or prevails upon any elector or voter either to give or refrain from giving his vote at any election, or who directly or indirectly interferes or attempts to interfere with the free exercise by any person of any electoral right shall be guilty of the offence of undue influence.

While waiting for the Election Commission to investigate and lodge a police report, we call upon Chew to do the honorable thing. She should retract her statement and apologize unreservedly for her fear-mongering act. She must condemn unreservedly the use of political violence in Malaysia.

Voters must be assured of their right to vote for any candidate or party of their choice in an environment that is free from fear and intimidation.

We also call upon the Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Abdullah Badawi to disassociate his administration and party from Chew’s fear-mongering statement and condemn unreservedly the use of threats and intimidation on voters.

We must not let Malaysia become a failed state where political violence rules, like Pakistan. We must not allow any party to ‘play with fire’. We categorically reject anyone who uses the spectre of May 13 as a bogeyman to threaten Malaysians.

All individuals or civil society organisations in support of democracy may endorse this statement by displaying a copy of this statement on their premises, vehicles or the front page of their blogs or websites, until Chew retract the statement and apologizes.

Civil Society Organisations:
Coalition For Clean and Fair Elections (BERSIH)
Group of Concerned Citizens (GCC)
Writers Alliance for Media Independence (WAMI)
Malaysian Voters Union (MALVU)
Save Ourselves (SOS Penang)
For group endorsement, please email Medaline Chang at














Saturday, January 5, 2008



Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I Know What MY Did In 2007, Do you?

This is the second day of 2008.
I have been thinking - what would make one really angry that he would do something? So, since I know WHAT MY DID in 2007, I am writing to my cousins and friends about them so that they will start thinking what they should do to stop the place/society/country from rotting.

Dear friends/cousins
Year 2008 has just started. I am sure you must have drafted your 2008 resolution. Not meaning to probe but did you put in things you need to do to stop our beloved country from rotting?
I am glad that you have a great job and stable income. Every weekend or holiday you would bring your parents and loved ones out for shopping or great meals or visiting relatives and it all seems life could not be any better.
But you really have to set aside a few minutes to observe how the place we live in has changed over the years. These are not just "news" and they are affecting our daily living, and who knows, you might be the victim of these happenings. Or, you have already been made a victim without you knowing it.
Let me tell you why by giving you some examples:

1. According to AG's report released in 2007 - Lots of people's tax money are misappropriated by the so-called civil servants. You are already a victim since these money came from your pocket too. Can you imagine that your "servant" (or employee) paid a few thousand dollars "on behalf of you" for something that worth only less than a hundred bucks? What will you do to your "servant" (or employee)? Will you continue to let a fox watch over your hen house? Also, had these money not been misappropriated, it could be used to repair the roads which damage your car's wheels or cover the longkang which a lot of people have fallen into.

2. In a tape released and uploaded to youtube, the conversations in the tape are implying that we have a judiciary problem going on. Does that mean anything to you? YES! If you are to go to court to fight someone, will you pause for a minute to think if you will given a fair judgement, worse still, a judgement will be given at all.

3. Our mainstream media have not stopped carrying daily headlines of gory crime. For this, you have to feel happy about the "openness" of the media because at least, you are put on alert and you will watch for any suspicious people following you when you go out or go home. Remember when you asked me if you still need to renovate your new house with iron grill as if you are living in a cage or something? I said yes not without a valid reason, even if you will be staying in a gated community. But these are all "reactive" measure to protect yourselves. Your company has just recently obtained the ISO 9001 certification and I am sure you understand why a preventive measure is preferred over a corrective one and so I shall say no more. Please do something to tell your "servants" that it is their job to ensure your safety, not having them to tell you that it is your own fault to attract the "snatchers" because you wear valuables jewellary when going out. If they cannot do their job, fire them.

4. Further to point no.3, you should also be alerted on things not carried by the mainstream media. I know people like to preach "I want to see and hear the truth" but not everyone is actually practising it. Do you read news carried by independent sources? online/digial media? Please do some reading over the internet, you subscribe to streamyx don't you? I know the quality/price ratio of streamyx sucks, since you are already paying for it, just use it to find things our mainstream media don't tell you or, tell you in a different way. Things not report doesn't mean they did not happen.

I think I have said enough. If you are interested in finding out more about the Lingam Tape, the AG's report, the Lina Joy's case, the Port Klang Free Zone scandal, BERSIH, Where did your YB go when you were facing the worst flood ever, and many many more, just google them will you?